Most Americans are aware that driving an automobile contributes to global warming. Many Americans make an effort to conserve energy by turning off lights when leaving a room. But do you ever stop to think about the environment when sitting down at the kitchen table with a hamburger resting on the plate in front of you? According to a 2006 United Nations report, internationally the livestock sector accounts for more then 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Beef production generates greenhouse gasses contributing 57 times as much to global warming as do gases emitted from producing potatoes. Just one person going vegetarian results in putting the equivalent of 1.5 fewer tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere yearly.
We, as consumers, can make a difference in the environment by choosing not to eat meat.
Oh my, Cassie............Oh my lol jk
ReplyDeleteWow... That doesn't have any affect on me :) lol I shall keep eating *MEAT*!